17. |
Approve Meeting Schedule FOR Board Workshops on Governance
Structure for Regional Urban Water Supply Project; Aquifer Storage and
Recovery; Water Needs Analysis – Existing Setting and Demand; Water Needs
Analysis – Future Demand at Buildout; Water Augmentation Alternatives; Water
Project Cost and Timeline Analysis |
Meeting Date: |
21, 2005 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David A.
Berger, General
Manager |
Program/ Line Item
No.: |
N/A |
Prepared By: |
Stern |
Estimate: $6,000 |
N/A |
General Counsel Approval: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance: N/A |
Attached as Exhibit 17-A
for Board consideration is a calendar of potential dates for Board workshops
included as part of the MPWMD 2005-2006 Strategic Plan adopted by the Board at
its October 18, 2005 meeting. The
meeting dates were identified based on a review of calendars submitted by the
Directors for the months of November 2005 through June 2006. The adopted Strategic Plan calls for the
first two workshops to be held in November 2005 and late December 2005/early
January 2006, respectively. January 25,
2006 is the first date that all directors are available to participate in a
workshop. The Board previously directed
that workshops should be held in the evening to maximize public attendance. It
is noted that the bottom of Exhibit 17-A includes a master schedule of
Board meetings for reference. Note that
this schedule does not include a date for a possible special meeting/public
hearing to receive comments on the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the
MPWMD aquifer storage and recovery project (see Agenda Item #19).
Staff proposes that the workshops be held
in the following order (dates in italics):
1. Regional Urban Water Supply (RUWS) Board
Governance – 1/25/06
2. Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR)
Overview and Future Possibilities – 2/22/06
3. Water Needs Analysis, Part A -- Existing
Setting and Demand – 3/23/06
4. Water Needs Analysis, Part B -- Future
Demand at Buildout – 5/18/06
5. Water Supply Augmentation Alternatives – 5/25/06
6. Water Projects Costs and Timeline
Analysis – 6/29/06
As noted in the October 17, 2005 staff
report regarding the adoption of the Strategic Plan, Workshop #6 above would
entail retaining one or more consulting firms whose expertise includes large
desalination and similar projects. The
consultants would assist the District Engineer to independently assess the cost
and timeline information provided by the project proponents featured in the
September 8, 2005 Comparative Matrix of Water Supply Alternatives.
Staff recommends that the Board take the following actions:
the Strategic Plan adopted on October 17, 2005 to revise the workshop schedule
to be consistent with the schedule shown on page 1 of this report and presented
in Exhibit 17-A.
2. If the Board deems it appropriate, direct
staff to advertise one or more of the workshops in local newspapers, prepare
handouts, or create posters similar to those prepared for the August 25, 2005
Town Hall meeting. The cost for these
activities would be approximately $1,000.
3. Direct that all workshops be conducted in
the District’s conference room or the Boardroom of the Monterey Regional Water
Pollution Control Agency, except for Workshop #6 on water augmentation
alternatives, which may require a larger venue.
4. Schedule for consideration at the
February 23, 2006 regular Board meeting an item regarding retention of one or
more consultants to prepare a detailed review and comparison of desalination
and wastewater reclamation project costs and timelines in preparation for
Workshop #6. At this same meeting,
consider a mid-year budget adjustment, estimated to be $30,000-$50,000 if
consultants are to be retained to provide third-party information for Workshop
the “Water Supply” discussion at the September 8, 2005 Strategic Planning
Workshop, the Board indicated its intent to hold a series of workshops on the
following topics of Board and community interest, listed in order of priority:
storage and recovery (ASR) overview and future possibilities
Urban Water Supply Board governance
needs analysis (existing and future demand)
supply augmentation alternatives
projects cost and timeline analysis
At its October 17, 2005 meeting, the
Board adopted the 2005-2006 MPWMD Strategic Plan, which included a revised list
and order of workshop topics, to be conducted in November 2005 through June
2006. These are shown as the six
workshops described above in the “Summary” section. Due to conflicting Board member schedules,
the first available date for a workshop is late January 2006. Attached as Exhibit
17-A is a schedule of dates all Directors are available to meet,
and a suggested meeting schedule.
will be a charge of approximately $3,000 ($500 per meeting) to record and
televise each workshop. An additional
cost of approximately $2,000 will be incurred if meeting room space must be
rented and a public address system obtained for Workshop #6. Another $1,000 was added if the Board wishes
to advertise the workshops, provide handouts or create posters similar to those
prepared for the August 25, 2005 Town Hall meeting. The cost to conduct the series of workshops
was not anticipated in the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 MPWMD Budget. Funds are
available in the District budget contingency, which currently contains about
$75,000. The workshop costs can be paid
from that account.
Workshop #6 entails retention of
specialized consultants for an estimated amount of $30,000 to $50,000 if the
Board requires a detailed review and comparison of desalination and wastewater
reclamation project costs and timelines. The Board will need to consider
funding the consultant no later than the February 2006 meeting. This cost was not anticipated in the Fiscal
Year 2005-2006 budget, and must be addressed in the mid-year budget adjustment
to be considered by the Board in February 2006.
17-A List
of Dates Directors are Available for Board Workshops